Kupukupu means to “sprout” or “grow.” Knowledge and ideas can kupukupu, just like leaves and blossoms. Kupukupu is also a native fern. On newly created ‘āina, it is one of the first plants to grow—a pioneer species—that initiates and accelerates the growth of a new forest. Over time, kupukupu forms a lush undergrowth, serving as a foundation for a healthy, vibrant ecosystem.
Like kupukupu, we incubate and accelerate innovative Hawaiian culture-based learning and compelling learning environments. By honoring a continuum of genealogy, stories, journeys and values, we nourish, grow and inspire ‘Ōiwi Hawai‘i learners and leaders who contribute to the vitality of our ‘āina, ‘ohana and communities throughout Hawai‘i and beyond.
Hālau Kupukupu contributes to the shared work of Alaukawai's dual operating system as the dedicated space for R&D in ‘Ōiwi Edge learning & teaching by harnessing the speed, agility, and focus that comes from the change environment internal and external of our school.
The following task forces were formed to inform new learning and teaching paradigms that would best prepare our haumāna and hoa kumu to thrive in an ever-evolving world: